1. Login into https://my.valluvantamil.org/ using your existing credentials.
  2. Click on 2023 – 2024 Registration icon as shown below.
  1. Once you are at the registration, you can check all your information and modify it as required. A minimum of 20 hours in the “Committed Volunteer Hours for the School Year” needs to be filled in.
  2. If you like to add, change sessions or enroll / unenroll students, you should click next until the student tab appears.
    1. To add a new student click on add student
  1. To change the session preference
  1. To enroll/unenroll a student, change the 2023-2024 Enrollment column to Enrolling or Not enrolling.
  1. Follow the instructions till you reach the confirmation page.  Please read the agreement and check the box with name entry.
  1. Once completed, select your info and click on the invoice. Click on the  .
  2. Only after payment through Paypal, your registration is complete. Students will be assigned to Classes only after payment is complete.

Please note after payment completion, a withdrawal request (for Refund policy click here) needs to be emailed to help@valluvantamil.org.